Monday, November 15, 2010

The Whole Reason for This Little Blog

So I love to cook and I especially love to bake.  And I love them both even more when I get to share whatever it is I've made with others.  I have binder of recipes, recipes in cards, cookbooks, as PDF's and in emails. I've even helped organize little cook offs between my local friends like The Great Pumpkin Off. The past through months I have been going through all these recipes and picking out several of them, hanging them on the fridge. I've attempt to make them over the course of the next couple of weeks in hopes of shaking up my typical menu and frozen Trader Joe pot stickers.

I have many great friends spread out over the country that, at one point in time or another, I use to cook and bake with, share recipes, or simply just bring them snacks.  With all these new recipes I have been trying, I have been thinking so and so would like this, or I should take some of this to that person.  I thought putting them up here would be a great way to keep sharing even though we might be a few thousand miles away. And I hope they will share some of their recipes too, a bit of a digital recipe box.

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